Data Security

Powerful, Dependable Protection for Your IT Network

Securing your systems and data against different threats is vital to your company’s continued success. If a hacker or a computer virus attacks your network, you run the risk of your hardware being damaged and your sensitive information falling into the wrong hands. This could prove disastrous for your business.

Ace Business Systems can help you prevent grim situations like these from happening. Our Data Security solution gives you a powerful defense against malware and system intrusions. You’ll be able to keep thieves away from your information and position your business for greater productivity.

Components of Ace’s Data Security Solution

Ace’s Data Security solution includes the following features:


We’ll protect your computers and servers from viruses, Trojan horses, spyware and other forms of malware. We handle updates remotely to ensure that your protection never falters.

Email Protection

We can provide you with archiving and automatic encryption for your emails. We’ll make it easy for your business to meet state and federal regulations for data security and privacy.

Password Management

We’ll help you keep your passwords private and ensure that only authorized users can access your network.

Patch Management Solutions

Ace can help you install and configure code changes to your computer systems.

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74 East 30th Street, Paterson, NJ 07514-1855

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